Thursday, July 16, 2009

What a week!

To be honest...the title I decided to give this post could be the only thing I write for today. It's a great way to describe what's been going on and specifically what happened yesterday. In addition to all of the on campus activites, some of our students signed up to go white water rafting on the Pigeon river (starting from the the actual border of Tenessee and North Carolina). Our river guide (Eddie) was awesome and has been a guide on rivers in four different states for 20 years. He's also the only person in the state of Tenessee who is able to certify other guides on swift water rescue...very comforting to our group! As Eddue explained to us - in the eastern U.S. there is a ranking system for white water rapids from 1 - 6. Niagra Falls is a class 6 rapid. The highest class rapid we manuevered yesterday was a class 4 and it was awesome! Contrary to the initial fears of some of our students rafting was a blast and I'm proud to say that no one fell out of our raft:-)
While we were having a lot of fun yesterday we were mindful that one of our group mates was not having very much fun at all. Unfortunately one of our students (Jessica) is dealing with a lot of pain in her mouth. She's been to a dentist here in Knoxville but the dentist wasn't able to really determine the cause of the pain and swelling. She was given some stuff to help manage the pain and possible infection but when we checked with her this morning...the swelling was a little worse and she wasn't feeling any better. Right now as I'm typing, Jessica is being seen by another dentist in the area and we are hoping that something can be done that will allow Jessica to travel home tomorrow with the least amount of pain possible. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for Jessica as she goes through this bummer of a situation.
Last night's mainstage time was amazing. To give you the best glimpse of what happened I'm going to paste a posting from CHIC's website (
Judy Peterson shared a powerful, life-altering message that encouraged students to stop hiding behind a facade. I clean my house before the cleaning lady comes, she said. I used to set my alarm clock so I could get up before my husband so he wouldn’t see the real me without makeup. I paint my toenails before getting a pedicure, said Peterson. “I live a lie a whole lot of my life. I give the illusion I have it together all the time,” she said. All have their reasons for pretending, but one major fear is rejection. “It’s risky to put yourself out there,” said Peterson. Loving those whose brokenness and messiness is obvious is easy, such as the homeless or sick. For those of us whose messiness is not obvious, we really need to know God’s love because it’s easier for us to miss His grace, Peterson said. “Christians are often the best pretenders in this game,” she claimed. Even in our churches, so often our mess is hidden, Peterson said. When sharing prayer requests we pray for things such as holding off the rain for the church picnic. We are coming before our living God and we’re praying for rain? We pretend when our whole life is a struggle, why not be praying for that battle with that unending addiction? “Pretending lets you have more friends, but I don’t know if they’re friends,” Peterson said. Honesty takes time and we are so busy that we don’t take the time to be honest. Referencing the story of David and his affair with Bathsheba, followed by the murder of Uriah, Peterson read through Psalm 32. David tried to cover his mistakes, he tried to pretend his way out of it, but it didn’t work. It was not until he confessed his transgressions before God and accepted His forgiveness that David was truly free and able to rejoice. When sin is not hidden something amazing happens, you’re blessed, Peterson said. It is no longer a fight for survival, but a life of blessing. In an effort to emphasize her message, Peterson defeated one of her biggest fears onstage before all 5,200 CHIC-goers. Going without makeup is something she never does in public, it is a nerve-wracking exposure for her. Yet before the entire audience, Peterson used a wet washcloth to scrub off every bit of makeup covering her face. “This is what you have on your soul,” she said as she held up the filthy washcloth. Every morning, she shared, my sweet husband says, “You are the most beautiful without your makeup on” and kisses my eyelids. God says the same to us. When our souls are not caked in lies, discolored in false identities and hidden in fear, that is when God kisses our eyelids and says “You are most beautiful without your makeup on, My child.”A tender God He is, one who Jesus called “Abba,” which is what a Jewish child calls his daddy. Remain in the Abba love because the Abba calls you “beloved”, said Peterson. And nothing will ever separate you from the One who calls you “beloved.” Walking with the Lord is like dancing, Peterson said. Perhaps we have forgotten how, or maybe we have never done it before. Yet in His beautiful love He says, “Stand on My shoes, I’ll show you.” He holds on with a grip that will never let go and wondrously looks in your eyes, seeing you as His child, His pure, forgiven and forever-loved child. A cross was mounted in the center of the arena and the opportunity was made available for students to come to the floor and make commitments before the Lord. The Holy Spirit was densely present in the room as the process of becoming undone for many had just begun. Allowing time to process together what they had just experienced, students and their leaders were given about 30 minutes to break into small groups. Soon they silently filed back into the arena, as all prepared for communion. The CHIC band led the worship as each took their turn at the Lord’s Supper. In conclusion to the service, all linked hands and together recited the benediction. Many walked out of Thompson-Boling Arena Wednesday night with their world rocked and life forever changed.
As you can probably tell it was a powerful night and I can tell you first hand...I'm not bringing home the same 11 students I left with. Yes, on the outside they might seem like the normal high school kids you know, but something has changed on the inside of each of these students. It only takes a couple of honest conversation with them to see the God has undone something in their lives. After our last mainstage time with the rest of CHIC (over 5,000 students), we'll board another bus...and then a plane and fly home. Please pray for our group tonight if you get a chance. Pray not just for the "normals" - safe travel, patience with each other despite our exhuastion, etc...but pray that we would not leave this encounter with God behind. Pray that we would come home and begin to live out the dream that God has for each of us. Pray that we would be the generation who sparks a new trend of "taking off the makeup" and living as honest, imperfect, and most importantly beloved creations of the God who put the cosmos together. I'm excited to share more with you all when we get

Rafting on the Pigeon

Jesus + Jeremy = BFF

Look who gave a seminar on Girls and their body image!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's Crazy!

CHIC is going awesome! Everything is running really smooth...the students are having an absolute blast...and I can already a change in their lives. I wish you all could be here to witness it first hand, but I guess the best I can do is to relay some of what's happening. I could probably fill up pages and pages of stuff from just the last 24 hours alone but I won't do that. Instead let me just tell you that last night's mainstage time rocked our world. We were lead into worship by an incredible band called the David Crowder Band and then we were challenged with some thought provoking words from a very solid Christ follower named Shane Claiborne. God used Shane to open our eyes and hearts to the "rawness" (not even a word but oh well) of the gospel and how we should be living if we are true followers of Christ. I'm not talking about good old Sunday morning pew fillers but people who actually live their lives as disciples of Christ. Not the kind of people who play the Christian game of politics and selfishness...and hide behind the comfort of a church but the people who follow in the footsteps of Jesus (Matthew 25:31-46). Our group had an great discussion after mainstage and I can tell you that these kids get it!

As I said, I could go on and on about the highlight of the last 24 hours but I really just wanted to share the most important stuff with you and ask you to pray that God would continue to speak to us. In addition to sharing some more pictures with you...take a look at the lyrics from one of the songs the band played last night. I think it's a great way to sum up what really lies at the root of what CHIC is all about...It describes the driving force for this generations desire to be Jesus to the world.
He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.
And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all
We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
So Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way…
He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Hanging out and listening to a band called Salvador yesterday at
"the block party" which is held each night before mainstage
a little racket ball action with the boys before mainstage yesterday

A huge spray paint of many ways students
are being encouraged to express themselves this week our group competed in a dodge ball tournament this afternoon

hanging out after dinner tonight

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's Not Safe

"It's not safe for you guys out here", the nice man
from The Univ of Tenn said. This is what we heard as we were beginning our Base Camp time yesterday. Apparently thunderstorms around here are pretty serious...and this was no exception. Our Base Camp was evacuated from our meeting spot to a parking garage that offered more shelter from lighting and rain. None of this seemed to bother anybody though, in fact they had a lot of fun with it....probably because our Base Camp leader instructed them to wrap me up in masking tape (for some reason they were excited to concentrate the tape on my legs - I was wearing shorts). No worries though because once the tape job was done...I had the chance to display my hulk like power and break free.

"Base Camp" is a group of 2 to 5 other youth groups from all different parts of the country who get together and start each morning off by focusing on the theme of the day. It's been a lot of fun to watch our students get to know the other students in our Base Camp from states such as Minnesota, Connecticut, North Carolina, and Oregon.
It was also amazing to be able to watch our students absorb all that happened during the first Mainstage of CHIC. It was incredible! As everybody in the arena counted down to the start of Mainstage there was an indescribable energy...and then the rain started falling inside! Not real rain but water from part of the rigging above the stage (it was supposed to happen).

As the music started, two guys carrying huge drums came out to the front of the stage and began to beat on the drums while standing under the falling water. It was awesome and from there the CHIC worship band lead us in an incredible time of pouring out our hearts to God in song and prayer. Without hesitation all of our students rushed to the very front of the crowd and joined in worship. Did I mention that we got to sit in the 3rd row? Yes, thanks to Tres, Emily, Jeff, and Alissa who saved us seats, we had a great view of all that happened.

Last night's speaker was Erwin McManus. McManus is a pastor at a church in SoCal and challenged us to live out the dream that God has placed inside each of us before we were even born. He encouraged us with thought that none of us are ordinary but instead that we are "dream incubators". Erwin's words gave us plenty to discuss later in our dorms before we went to bed. It was an awesome first day here at CHIC and I know that there are many more memorable moments to come. As in my last post, here are a few pictures from all that happened yesterday.
After our Base Camp group was told to relocate...meeting in a parking garage
A little human foos-ball action at the CHIC Welcome Party

Ok, so this is actually a box with supplies for the human foos-ball game...
but I couldn't resist the interesting angle on the box :-)


The CHIC band

The first speaker of the week - Erwin McManus

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday afternoon - We're here!!!

After many hours of traveling we finally arrived at the University of Tennessee around 9pm (ET) last night. Thankfully everyone arrived safe and sound…and our luggage made it in one piece too! Once we checked into our housing we headed out for a late dinner together and then back to the dorm for some card games and the chance to toss around the football (It can’t be a youth trip without a ball to throw around of courseJ).

CHIC officially starts tonight at dinner so until then we have some time to kick back and check out huge welcome party they’ve got going on (bands, games such as human foosball, lots of free food, the pool, and most importantly WATER!). Needless to say we are all a little tired…but I know we’re all excited to be here and see all that will be going on this week. The students are doing great considering the fact that it was such a long day of traveling yesterday. It’s been fun to see the students getting know new people and having fun. There seems to be an excitement brewing as we anticipate the official kickoff of CHIC tonight. It’s going to be awesome worship alongside thousands of people during the main stage time. Thanks for all of your prayers and support…I could feel them as we were traveling yesterday. Continue to pray that our group would bond together over this week and that our hearts and minds would be receptive to what God may want to say to us while we’re here.

I’ll try to update our blog as much as possible this week so check back soon. For now, here are a few pictures from our trip here and as we began to get settled in last night. I hope you enjoy them!
Getting ready to board the plane

lots of good snacks (given to the group by Laurey Ahonen)

Dinner at a weird pizza place

"Ummm...Jeremy my sheets don't fit on my bed" - Greg

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Packing our bags

CHIC 2009 begins in 2 days, 21 hours, and 3 minutes! We're packing our bags and getting ready for an awesome week! Come back soon for an update on our group's adventure.
